Teacher-led High School Curriculum


This high school curriculum offers 15 modules, each with videos, activities, and assessments. Drawing on primary source documents and landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases selected by leading experts, students explore the Constitution and historical and philosophical foundations of America’s founding principles from a diverse range of voices.

Each module includes the following materials for educators, including:

  • Course description, objectives, and goals
  • Background knowledge tools
  • Closure activities to assess learning and allow for reflective practice
  • Scope and sequence guide to support pacing for state civic standards
  • Enrichment activities and connections to other NCC resources, including the Interactive Constitution

Course Modules

Module 1: Constitutional Conversations and Civil Dialogue
Module 2: Principles of the American Revolution
Module 3: Road to the Convention
Module 4: Constitutional Convention and Ratification
Module 5: The Bill of Rights
Module 6: Separation of Powers and Federalism
Module 7: The Legislative Branch: How Congress Works
Module 8: The Presidency and Executive Power
Module 9: The Judicial System and Current Cases
Module 10: The First Amendment
Module 11: The Fourth Amendment
Module 12: Slavery in America: From the Founding to America's Second Founding
Module 13: Voting Rights in America
Module 14: The 14th Amendment: Battles for Freedom and Equality
Module 15: Article V and the 27 Amendments

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