Constitution 101 Curriculum

Module 14: The 14th Amendment: Battles for Freedom and Equality


The 14th Amendment wrote the Declaration of Independence's promise of freedom and equality into the Constitution. Ratified after the Civil War, this amendment transformed the Constitution forever and is at the core of a period that many scholars refer to as our nation’s “Second Founding.” Even so, the 14th Amendment remains the focus of many of today’s most important constitutional debates (and Supreme Court cases). In many ways, the history of the modern Supreme Court is largely a history of modern-day battles over the 14th Amendment's meaning. So many of the constitutional cases that Americans care about today turn on the 14th Amendment.

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Learning Objectives
  1. Explain why the 14th Amendment was added to the Constitution. 
  2. Identify the core principles in clauses of the 14th Amendment. 
  3. Summarize how the Supreme Court has interpreted the meaning of the 14th Amendment.
  4. Evaluate the effect of the 14th Amendment on liberty and equality.
14.1 Activity: Why Did We Need the 14th Amendment

14.2 Activity: Big Ideas of The 14th Amendment

14.3 Video Activity: 14th Amendment

Constitution 101 Resources
14.5 Activity: Showcasing the 14th Amendment

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Module 15: Article V and the 27 Amendments

With the Constitution, the Founding generation created the greatest charter of freedom in the history of the world. However, the Founding generation did not believe that it had a monopoly on constitutional wisdom. Therefore, the founders set out a formal amendment process that allowed later generations to revise our nation’s charter and “form a more perfect Union.” They wrote this process into Article V of the Constitution. Over time, the American people have used this amendment process to transform the Constitution by adding a Bill of Rights, abolishing slave...

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