Constitution 101 Resources

4.2 Activity Guide: Constitutional Convention - Meet the Framers

This activity is part of Module 4: Constitutional Convention and Ratification from the Constitution 101 Curriculum. 

In this activity, you will continue to explore the delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention. The purpose of this assignment is for you to get to know one influential delegate well and then determine his influence in comparison to other key delegates at the Convention. 

Now that you have a general idea of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention, let’s get personal. You will be assigned a delegate to research and you will make a profile sheet to summarize significant information about that person. 

After you complete the following information, you will present your assigned delegate to the class and advocate for them to be a top influencer at the Convention. Only five will make it to the top influencers list, so do your best to make the case of why your delegate should be among them.

  • Delegate’s name
  • Where was he from?
  • What is some of his background from before the Convention?
  • What did he do for a living?
  • What was his main contribution to the creation of the Constitution?
  • What did he do after the Convention?
  • What are some other highlights of his life that you think help make him the top influencer of the Convention?