Constitution 101 Resources

14.3 Video Reflection: The 14th Amendment


This activity is part of Module 14: The 14th Amendment: Battles for Freedom and Equality from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will explore how the 14th Amendment was created, what it says, and debates over how to interpret it.


After you have watched the video, write down your answers to the following questions. 

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

  • What did the act do?
  • What challenge(s) was it designed to address?
  • What was the issue with the act?
  • What is the connection between the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment? 

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

  • What clause of the 14th Amendment is involved in this case?
  • Summarize the case in your own words. 

The Slaughter - House Cases

  • What clause of the 14th Amendment is involved in this case?
  • Summarize the case in your own words. 

Plessy v. Ferguson 

  • What clause of the 14th Amendment is involved in this case?
  • Summarize the case in your own words. 

Brown v. Board of Education 

  • What clause of the 14th Amendment is involved in this case?
  • Summarize the case in your own words. 

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