Constitution 101 Resources

11.2 Video Reflection: The Fourth Amendment

This activity is part of Module 11: The Fourth Amendment from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will learn more about the stories and history that led the Founding generation to add the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. From there, you will explore how the Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourth Amendment over time.


Watch the video and answer the following questions.

  • What does the Fourth Amendment say? 
  • Why did the Founding generation include the Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights? 
  • In other words, what problems were they trying to address?
  • How does modern technology make Fourth Amendment issues more complicated?
  • When does the Fourth Amendment allow the government to search or seize our person, our houses, our papers, or our effects?
  • When is a government’s search or seizure “reasonable”?
  • How has the Supreme Court interpreted the Fourth Amendment over time?
  • What are some leading cases on the Fourth Amendment?
  • Write three to five sentences summarizing your understanding of Fourth Amendment protections.