Educational Videos

Latest Recorded Classes

The National Constitution Center is now offering live interactive classes on the Constitution, led by President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen and scholars Kerry Sautner and Tom Donnelly. All session are recorded and posted below.

The Fourth Amendment Featuring Clark Neily

All Ages Level

Fourth Amendment

Advanced Level

Fourth Amendment

Introductory Level

Women's History Featuring Lisa Tetrault

All Ages Level

Women’s Fight for Equality and the 19th Amendment

Advanced Level

Women’s Fight for Equality and the 19th Amendment

Introductory Level

The First Amendment with David French

All Ages Level

A celebration of African American History and the First Amendment

Advanced Level

A celebration of African American History and the First Amendment

Introductory Level

Civil Rights Movement with Hasan Kwame Jeffries

All Ages Level

The Civil Rights Movement

Advanced Level

The Civil Rights Movement

Introductory Level

Constitution 101 Curriculum

The Constitution 101 course provides learners of all ages with a basic understanding of the Constitution’s text, history, structure, and case law.

Why Have Civil Dialogue?

Walkthrough of the Constitution

Methodologies of Constitutional Interpretation

Video Types
Constitutional Topics

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Founders’ Library

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