Constitution 101 Resources

8.2 Activity Guide: How does the Presidency Work?

This activity is part of Module 8: The Presidency and Executive Power from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will continue to explore the presidential jobs that are spelled out by the Constitution.

Read the text and Interactive Constitution essays for the following provisions of Articles II and I. As you read, circle or highlight key words and phrases.

For each constitutional provision, do the following:

  • Write down what words of the text stood out to you
  • Paraphrase the text
  • Take notes on the Interactive Constitution Essay

Circle or highlight the powers, duties, or limits that you listed in the previous exercise. Were there any that you missed?  

Using the information you gathered from the Constitution, create an “In Search of” advertisement for a presidential candidate:

  • Wanted: President of the United States
    • Position: President of the United States
    • Reports To: The American People
    • Position Term (fill-in-the-blank): One _______-year term, with the option of _______ additional term(s).
    • Position Summary (Write a brief paragraph summarizing the role of the president.)
    • Duties and Responsibilities (List the duties of the president, as listed in Article II.) 
    • Qualifications (List the qualifications of the president, as listed in Article II.)