Constitution 101 Resources

7.2 Activity Guide: Powers and Structure of Congress

This activity is part of Module 7: The Legislative Branch: How Congress Works from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

Article I establishes the national government’s legislative branch—Congress.

Article I is the longest part of the Constitution. That’s because the Founding generation expected Congress to be the most powerful—and most dangerous—branch of government. Article I also sets out the powers of Congress and lists certain limits to those powers.

In this activity, you will explore the structure, powers, and limits of Congress. 

Read the text and Interactive Constitution essays for Article I, Section 8, plus one additional section of Article I, as assigned to your group by your instructor. As you read the assigned text, circle or highlight key words and phrases that stood out to you, paraphrase the text, and take notes.

Article I, Section 8–Powers of Congress

Read ONE of the following:

After reading the assigned sections, answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss with the entire class, ensuring that you share your group's findings on your assigned provision. 

  • What is the role of Congress?
  • Describe the structure of Congress.
  • What are the powers defined? Any limits?