Constitution 101 Resources

3.5 Activity Guide: Fear of Factions and Mobs

This activity is part of Module 3: Road to the Convention from the Constitution 101 Curriculum. 

In this activity, you will learn more about the founding generation’s fear of factions and mobs and how one function of a constitution is to structure covering so that it might slow down the political process, cool emotions, curb passions, frustrate factions, and promote deliberation and compromise. The ultimate goal? To craft a government that gets better results—results driven by reason (not passion) and promoting the common good (not factional self-interest).


Read excerpts from the Primary Source: Federalist No. 10 and Federalist No. 55 and answer the following questions. Be prepared to discuss as a class.

  • How would you describe Madison’s vision? Do you find it persuasive? What are some of its strengths and weaknesses for his time? Are they the same today?
  • Consider Madison’s arguments today. What challenges do modern developments like social media present to Madison’s vision?
  • Does Madison provide us with a vision that might address them?