Constitution 101 Resources

13.6 Activity Guide: Exploring the Vote in Your Community

This activity is part of Module 13: Voting Rights in America from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will research how to vote where you live. You will also identify how someone can become an informed voter in your state and locality.Using, research your state-run voting website and review the process for voting in your state from start to finish. Fill out the chart below.

Using the information that you’ve collected, create a one-page infographic or fact sheet on voting for the eligible voters in your school and community.

Voter Eligibility Requirements 
Do voters need to be a certain age? Are there any residency restrictions?

Voter Registration Instructions
Where can a person register to vote? Will the government require any documents or other information? Is there a registration deadline for the next election?   

Polling Place Information
How can a person find their polling place? Where is yours?

Election Day Information
When is the next Election Day? What offices are up for election? What are the hours that the polls are open? Do voters need to bring anything with them to the polls? 

Getting Informed 
Where can a person look to find reliable information about the candidates in the upcoming election? 

Additional Information
Include any other information that you think will be helpful. 
(Getting to the polls, voting by mail, early voting, etc.)