Constitution 101 Resources

13.3 Activity Guide: Exploring Elections and Voting in the Constitution

This activity is part of Module 13: Voting Rights in America from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will examine how the constitutional amendments have shaped elections and voting throughout American history. You will also explore the role of federalism in the context of elections and voting in America. 


Read the text of your assigned amendment and your assigned essay from the Interactive Constitution. Then complete the worksheet as a group.

  • What are some important words included in your constitutional amendment? 
  • What year was it ratified? 
  • What perceived problem was your amendment designed to address?
  • What does your assigned amendment and essay say about elections and voting? 
  • [If relevant] Who has the power to enforce your amendment? 
  • [If relevant] How does your amendment affect the Constitution’s system of federalism?