Constitution 101 Resources

12.2 Video Reflection: Slavery in America

This activity is part of Module 12: Slavery in America: From the Founding to America’s Second Founding from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

In this activity, you will view a video on the compromises over slavery at the Constitutional Convention and the story of slavery and emancipation in America.

Watch the video and answer the following questions.

Views of Slavery
As you watch the video, listen for quotes from the following people. In your own words, describe their views on slavery.

  • Thomas Jefferson (Timestamp: 0:40 – 1:50)
  • Patrick Henry (Timestamp: 3:10)
  • Prince Hall (Timestamp: 4:45)
  • Frederick Douglass (Timestamp: 6:00 – 8:45)

History of Slavery in America
Describe slavery at the time of the founding, and how it developed during the early years of the country. 
(Timestamp: 9:10)

Key Debates
Describe the key debates around slavery at the Constitutional Convention. Then describe the compromises that the delegates reached.

  • Debate One (Timestamp: 9:10)
  • Debate Two (Timestamp: 11:40)
  • Debate Three (Timestamp: 12:25)

The Dred Scott Case
Who were Dred and Harriet Scott? What did they argue? What happened when they brought their case to the Supreme Court?
(Timestamp: 13:45)

Reconstruction Amendments
List the three Reconstruction Amendments and describe how they transformed the Constitution.  

  • Amendment One (Timestamp: 18:44)
  • Amendment Two (Timestamp: 18:50)
  • Amendment Three (Timestamp: 20:15)