Constitution 101 Resources

10.3 Activity Guide: Religion Clauses

This activity is part of Module 10: The First Amendment from the Constitution 101 Curriculum

The First Amendment has two clauses related to religion: one preventing the government establishment of religion (the Establishment Clause) and the other protecting the ability to freely exercise religious beliefs (the Free Exercise Clause). In this activity, you will review these clauses, why they were included in the Bill of Rights, the issues they address, and how the Supreme Court has interpreted them over time.


In this activity, you will read the Interactive Constitution Common Interpretation essays on the Establishment Clause or the Free Exercise Clause.

Answer the questions below with information from what you read.  

  • Which essay did you read?
  • List at least three big ideas from the essay.
  • Provide details about the historical background for the clause.
  • What are some key constitutional issues that have arisen under the clause?
  • Using the information you listed above, create a one-paragraph summary of your essay.