Constitution 101 Resources

1.5 Video Reflection: Methods of Constitutional Interpretation

This activity is part of Module 1: Constitutional Conversations and Civil Dialogue
from the Constitution 101  Curriculum

Judges use their reasoning skills to interpret the Constitution and apply its meaning to new cases. Different judges sometimes use different methods to interpret the Constitution. Furthermore, even when they use the same methods, they sometimes weigh them differently in a given case. As a result, judges do not always agree on the meaning of the Constitution. In this activity, you will continue exploring the methods of constitutional interpretation by focusing on seven specific methods that are widely used by Justices, judges, and lawyers alike.


Review the seven methods of constitutional interpretation. Be prepared to identify and define each of them. 

Watch the video about the different methods of interpreting the Constitution and answer the following questions for each method:

  • What does it mean?
  • What cases were given as examples by Jeffrey Rosen?
  • List some advantages and disadvantages to each method.