On Monday, the Supreme Court accepted an appeal about the ability of a voter to wear clothing or campaign buttons at a polling…
Taking on a deeply controversial question about the rights of abortion foes when they set up counseling and treatment centers for…
In legal papers filed late last week, Justice Department lawyers want a federal court to dismiss a First Amendment lawsuit about…
The current debate over pro sports athletes’ symbolic protests in public arenas touches on some basic First Amendment…
A former Washington state public high school football coach has lost his latest court battle over his right to lead prayers on the…
When and where can students and members of the public express their free-speech rights at public universities? These First…
Violent public demonstrations involving white supremacists and counter-protesters in Virginia last weekend are driving a lot of…
In this essay from the National Constitution Center's Interactive Constitution project, John Inazu and Burt Neuborne explain how…
In this essay from the National Constitution Center's Interactive Constitution project, Geoffrey R. Stone and Eugene Volokh…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that the Justice Department is looking at an expanded policy to subpoena more news…
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