Constitution Daily Blog
Article II
Chris Christie becomes 435th candidate to declare for 2016 election
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie declared his presidential intentions on Tuesday in what appears to be crowded GOP field. But…
Constitution Check: Did presidential power suddenly grow much greater?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center's constitutional literacy adviser, breaks down the Zivotofsky decision and looks…
Supreme Court sides with President in Jerusalem passport case
The United States Supreme Court, in a majority opinion from Justice Anthony Kennedy, said on Monday that the President, and not…
Long-shot candidates could look to Willkie, others for inspiration
Few things are at the core of our constitutional process like presidential elections. And in some cases, little-known candidates…
Constitution Check: A privacy advocate at the secret spying court?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a proposed change to the secret…
Supreme Court asks Justice Department to weigh in on legal marijuana lawsuit
On Monday morning, the United States Supreme Court asked the Solicitor General’s office for its opinion in a lawsuit involving…
Can Ted Cruz serve as President if he was born in Canada?
Republican Senator Ted Cruz has announced his candidacy for President, again raising the issue of how people born in other…
Constitution Check: Could senators be prosecuted for trying to deal directly with Iran’s leaders?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, explains the argument over a GOP Senate…
Key items in the constitutional debate over Congress, Obama and Iran
There’s a tug of war happening in Washington between President Obama and some Congress members over nuclear talks with Iran. So…
Constitution Check: Did the House act illegally in inviting Netanyahu?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, explains arguments about a constitutional…