Constitution Daily Blog
Article II
What is the Constitutional Role of the Vice President?
During the current presidential election, the importance of the two vice presidential nominees will be a topic of discussion…

Understanding the Constitution’s 25th Amendment
The 25th Amendment deals with vacancies in the office of the presidency, and the process to follow when a president suffers a…

Breaking down the Trump immunity decision
The Supreme Court’s 2023-24 term may best be remembered for a landmark decision about former President Donald Trump’s claims…

Gerald Ford’s unique role in American history
Today is the birthday of the late former President, Gerald R. Ford, who went from being a college football star to the White House…

Six big takeaways from this historic Supreme Court term
The Supreme Court wrapped up a historic term this week, one that will be defined largely by unprecedented constitutional issues…

The man whose impeachment vote saved Andrew Johnson
After being impeached, President Andrew Johnson survived his 1868 Senate trial by just one vote. And to this day, how that vote…

TikTok’s Constitutional Questions Head to the Courts
After months of debate, restrictions on the ownership of the popular app TikTok are heading to a federal court, raising a series…

10 birthday facts about President James Monroe
James Monroe was the only president, aside from George Washington, to run unopposed for re-election. But that may not be the most…

Supreme Court tackles history with Trump’s immunity case
On Thursday, the nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court tackled a question “for the ages” in the Trump v. United States…

Update: The final briefs before the Trump immunity case arguments
The final briefs in former President Donald Trump’s latest case at the Supreme Court have been submitted related to a former…