Constitution Daily Blog
Article II, Section 1
Electoral College a rare topic of discussion at Supreme Court
With all of the recent attention given to the Electoral College, not a lot has been written by the Supreme Court on the unique…
10 fascinating facts about the Electoral College
Today, the 538 members of the Electoral College meet across the country to pick the next President of the United States. Here’s…
10 fascinating facts about Election Day
Many Americans will be heading to the polls at some point today to cast ballots on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of…

A recent voting history of the 15 Battleground states
As we get nearer to Election Day 2016, Constitution Daily looks at the Electoral College breakdown historically of 15 states that…
Who are the Electors in the Electoral College?
Every four years, 538 people meet in 51 locations around the United States to pick the winner of the presidential election. So who…
Five things you need to know about the Electoral College
As our nation gets closer to Election Day, there will be more attention focused on the Electoral College, a unique American…
Why does a presidential candidate need to be 35 years old anyway?
The popular rum-maker Captain Morgan is proposing to eliminate any age requirements for citizens to serve as President of the…
Why Iowa and New Hampshire go first
Why do these states have the privilege of voting in the presidential race before the other 48?
Explaining the natural-born presidency controversy
In recent days, another debate over American citizenship has surfaced in the presidential election that centers on the eligibility…
Youngstown Steel: The Supreme Court stands up to the President
Tonight, C-SPAN and the National Constitution Center look at the landmark Youngstown Steel case, where the Supreme Court limited…