Constitution Daily Blog

First Amendment

Battle for the Constitution: Week of May 3rd, 2021 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of May 3rd, 2021 Roundup
The U.S. Supreme Court: Surprises in the home stretch?

by Marcia Coyle

The U.S. Supreme Court wraps up oral arguments this week and begins an intense period of drafting opinions in its pending cases.…

The U.S. Supreme Court: Surprises in the home stretch?
Cheerleader case presents free-speech test for public schools

by Scott Bomboy

One of the Supreme Court’s landmark First Amendment cases could be redefined early this summer as the justices decide a modern…

Cheerleader case presents free-speech test for public schools
Battle for the Constitution: Week of March 22nd, 2021 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of March 22nd, 2021 Roundup
What the Founders thought about mob violence

by Jeffrey Rosen

National Constitution Center president and CEO Jeffrey Rosen says the Founders would have been appalled by the attack on the…

What the Founders thought about mob violence
Battle for the Constitution: Week of February 8th, 2021 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of February 8th, 2021 Roundup
The Supreme Court’s Religion Conundrum

by Marcia Coyle

The U.S. Supreme Court’s late-night Friday order slapping down most of California’s pandemic restrictions on religious…

The Supreme Court’s Religion Conundrum
Battle for the Constitution: Week of January 25th, 2021 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of January 25th, 2021 Roundup
Battle for the Constitution: Week of October 26, 2020 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of October 26, 2020 Roundup
Hunting for ‘super precedents’ in U.S. Supreme Court confirmations

by Marcia Coyle

Last week, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee members pressed Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on whether the landmark…

Hunting for ‘super precedents’ in U.S. Supreme Court confirmations
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