Constitution Daily Blog

First Amendment

The Espionage Act’s constitutional legacy

by Scott Bomboy

One of the federal government’s most powerful laws is also known as one of its most controversial statutes: the Espionage Act.

The Espionage Act’s constitutional legacy
The 303 Creative decision and expressive conduct

by Marcia Coyle

Last week, a 6-3 Supreme Court said the First Amendment allows a business offering “expressive” services to discriminate based…

The 303 Creative decision and expressive conduct
Looking back: George Carlin and the Supreme Court

by Scott Bomboy

On July 3, 1978, the Supreme Court issued its historic verdict in the George Carlin “seven dirty words” case, a decision that…

Looking back: George Carlin and the Supreme Court
The history of legal challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance

by Scott Bomboy

The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States' flag has been part of American life for generations, but not without some…

The history of legal challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance
Do You Have a Constitutional Right to Honk Your Car Horn?

by Scott Bomboy

A lawsuit in California about the use of a car horn at a political protest is bringing back a contested question involving the…

Do You Have a Constitutional Right to Honk Your Car Horn?
An important date in Supreme Court history for the press

by NCC Staff

Today is the anniversary of one of the most important decisions in Supreme Court history that affected the civil rights movement…

An important date in Supreme Court history for the press
On this day, the Roe v. Wade decision

by NCC Staff

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that continues to divide the nation to this day.

On this day, the Roe v. Wade decision
Is the Supreme Court Ready to Reshape the Social Media Landscape?

by Scott Bomboy

Free speech has been a major factor behind the internet’s dramatic growth in the past 25 years. But two cases at the Supreme…

Is the Supreme Court Ready to Reshape the Social Media Landscape?
Looking Ahead: A Supreme Court Preview for 2023

by Scott Bomboy

The Supreme Court has been front and center in recent years due to a series of landmark decisions, and the year 2023 will likely…

Looking Ahead: A Supreme Court Preview for 2023
The First Amendment and school library book policies

by Scott Bomboy

Book selections at public school libraries are back in the headlines after a new lawsuit is questioning the constitutional power…

The First Amendment and school library book policies