Constitution Daily Blog
Article III
Is the Supreme Court the ‘sick man’ of the Constitution?
An increasing number of prominent politicians in both parties are bashing the Supreme Court on a regular basis.
Looking back: Famous Supreme Court dissents
Even before the Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court in June, Justice Antonin Scalia has become quite famous for his…
It was 70 years ago today that the nuclear age began
On a July morning in New Mexico in July 1945, the modern world changed with the first successful test detonation of a nuclear…
Constitution Check: A privacy advocate at the secret spying court?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a proposed change to the secret…
Constitution Check: Did the Founders want term limits for Supreme Court Justices?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center's constitutional literacy adviser, looks at comments from Mike Huckabee about the…
Should President Obama, or any President, be allowed to serve a third term?
With the anniversary of the 22nd Amendment on Friday, Constitution Daily looks at two hot-button topics: Should a President be…
Federal judge orders Alabama official to issue same-sex marriage licenses
The gay-marriage debate in Alabama has taken another turn, after a federal judge overruled the state's chief justice in a dispute…