Constitution Daily Blog

Article I

What is an emolument and why do we care?

by NCC Staff

President-elect Donald J. Trump might have some unique decisions to make about how his business assets are managed as he serves in…

‘Nothing less than a miracle’: The Constitution and the peaceful transition of power

by Nicandro Iannacci

Our constitutional system endures because we accept its results.

Washington Redskins trademark case put on hold

by Lyle Denniston

A federal appeals court has delayed the case involving the legality of the Washington, D.C., pro football team’s trademarks on…

Why Columbus Day isn’t really a national holiday

by NCC Staff

This Monday, some folks will have a day off to commemorate Columbus Day and some won’t. So what is the legal basis for the…

Five other days that could be proposed as federal holidays

by NCC Staff

With some, but not all, Americans commemorating Columbus Day on Monday, there has been growing talk of expanding the day’s…

The constitutional debates over the military prison at Guantánamo Bay

by Lana Ulrich

Gitmo remains a constitutional and political enigma, and its end is not quite yet in sight.

Constitution Check: Has the U.S. war against ISIS in Syria been illegal from the start?

by Lyle Denniston

Constitution Daily Supreme Court correspondent Lyle Denniston looks at a lawsuit from an Army officer that contests the legality…

Constitution Check: Does spending on war amount to declaration of war?

by Lyle Denniston

Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a lawsuit challenging the…

Article I, Section 8: Federalism and the overall scope of federal power

by Randy E. Barnett And Heather Gerken

As part of the National Constitution Center’s on-going Interactive Constitution project, leading constitutional experts interact…

Constitution Check: Is current U.S. military action against ISIS illegal?

by Lyle Denniston

Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at the constitutional prospects for a…