Constitution Daily Blog

Article I, Section 2

How midterm elections have changed Congress since 1946

by Scott Bomboy

Today, Americans are heading to the polls for midterm elections, where the entire House and 35 Senate seats will be up for grabs.…

How midterm elections have changed Congress since 1946
How Speaker of the House evolved into a critical constitutional role

by Scott Bomboy

Paul Ryan’s House retirement means that a new person will be Speaker of the House of Representatives next January and become one…

How Speaker of the House evolved into a critical constitutional role
The Supreme Court’s Elections Clause dilemma in Pennsylvania

by Lyle Denniston

An appeal to the United States Supreme Court from Pennsylvania lawmakers about a state court gerrymandering decision might create…

The Supreme Court’s Elections Clause dilemma in Pennsylvania
Can a Senator serve in Congress after a conviction in court?

by Scott Bomboy

As the Robert Menendez trial winds down, the New Jersey congressional caucus faces an odd scenario if the Senator is convicted of…

Can a Senator serve in Congress after a conviction in court?
Can the Cabinet “remove” a President using the 25th amendment?

by Scott Bomboy

In a new Vanity Fair article, the magazine claims former White House adviser Steve Bannon warned President Donald Trump that his…

Can the Cabinet “remove” a President using the 25th amendment?
What the Founders thought about impeachment and the President

by Scott Bomboy

One of the most hotly debated clauses in the Constitution deals with the removal of federal government officials through the…

What the Founders thought about impeachment and the President
Is President Trump immune to lawsuits?

by Maggie Baldridge

President Donald Trump brings the question of presidential immunity back into public debate as he faces numerous civil lawsuits…

Is President Trump immune to lawsuits?
A controversial President who established presidential succession

by NCC Staff

On the 227th birthday of John Tyler, Constitution Daily looks back at the legacy of a most unusual President who established the…

A controversial President who established presidential succession