Constitution Daily Blog
Article I, Section 1
How the Martin Luther King Jr. birthday became a holiday
The fight to make the Martin Luther King Jr. birthday a holiday took 32 years, a lot of campaigning, and guest appearances…

Daniel Webster’s unique Supreme Court legacy
Daniel Webster was one of the seminal figures of 19th century America as an orator and politician. Perhaps less known is…

On this day, Supreme Court invalidates key FDR program
On May 28, 1935, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an important part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s NIRA plan, when the…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of November 9th, 2020 Roundup
Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

The 23rd Amendment and the chance of a tied 2020 presidential election
On Election Day, an old topic will get new life when political pundits discuss the chance of a deadlocked presidential contest…