Constitution Daily Blog

14th Amendment

Five other presidential “birther” controversies from American history

by NCC Staff

In the midst of the current debate over Ted Cruz’s eligibility for the presidency, Constitution Daily looks back at five other…

Philadelphia death penalty case gets February Supreme Court date

by NCC Staff

A Philadelphia man convicted of capital murder in 1986 is set for a February 2016 Supreme Court hearing in a sentencing dispute.

The Supreme Court’s ‘worst decision’ lives on in 2016 campaign

by Scott Bomboy

It was 69 years ago today that the Supreme Court handed down the Korematsu decision, which validated putting American citizens in…

As expected, affirmative action arguments featured Kennedy, Scalia

by NCC Staff

The Supreme Court arguments in the Fisher affirmative action case were contentious on Wednesday, and as anticipated, Justice…

Affirmative action gets another day at the Supreme Court

by NCC Staff

On December 9, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, a landmark challenge to…

The Supreme Court tackles the one-person, one-vote concept today

by NCC Staff

One of the big cases in the Supreme Court’s current term is in front of the Justices this morning, in what could be a historic…

Baker v. Carr: The Supreme Court gets involved in redistricting

by Jonathan Stahl

On March 26, 1962, the Supreme Court ruled in Baker v. Carr, establishing its power to intervene in cases about the drawing of…

Looking back at the Mapp search decision

by NCC Staff

Note: Landmark Cases, C-SPAN’s new series on historic Supreme Court decisions—produced in cooperation with the National…

Looking back at the Brown v. Board decision

by NCC Staff

Landmark Cases, C-SPAN’s new series on historic Supreme Court decisions—produced in cooperation with the National Constitution…

Korematsu: A decision that is still questioned today

by NCC Staff

On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court announced one of its most shocking decisions ever. The Korematsu decision is still…

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