Jimmy Carter

Ken Burns
The 2024 Liberty Medal Ceremony

The National Constitution Center will honor renowned documentary filmmaker Ken Burns for illuminating the nation’s greatest triumphs and tragedies.

"President Jimmy Carter...has demonstrated among his other virtues that liberty is internalized within him – in his mind, in his heart, in his soul, and in the use of his time and his immense energy. Liberty is both a means and an end. It flourishes best in those cultures in which leaders – like Carter – are models of loyalty, faith and honesty, and persuasive advocates of other moral principles." 
Liberty Medal International Selection Commission

"Americans should ask themselves what are the deeper meanings of these simple words: liberty and equality – on which our ideals are based…(they should include)…freedom from deprivation and hopelessness…equal opportunity to a job, to health care and decent housing. By sharing these values – freedom, democracy and the alleviation of human suffering– with those who still do not know them, we exalt ourselves and we honor those early Americans from whom we inherited our country’s greatness. I pray that we will enhance the greatness of our free and noble country."

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter 
Liberty Medal acceptance speech, July 4, 1990

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