News & Debate

The National Constitution Center brings you the latest discussions, debates, and analysis on the biggest constitutional issues of the day. Read our Constitution Daily blog, listen to our We the People weekly podcast, and watch experts in our America’s Town Hall programs and live classes.

Trump v. United States and the National Security Constitution
Town Hall Video
Trump v. United States and the National Security Constitution

International and national security law experts Harold Hongju Koh of Yale Law School, Deborah Pearlstein of Princeton University, and Matthew Waxman of Columbia Law School join for a conversation to explore Trump v. United States and the updated edition of Koh’s landmark book, The National Security Constitution in the Twenty-First Century. Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderates.

Town Hall Video
A Conversation on Black Leadership With Eddie Glaude Jr.

In celebration of Juneteenth, political commentator Eddie Glaude Jr. explores how ordinary people have the capacity to achieve a…

Blog Post
Six big takeaways from this historic Supreme Court term

The Supreme Court wrapped up a historic term this week, one that will be defined largely by unprecedented constitutional issues…

Educational Video
Article III and Supreme Court Term Review Featuring Ali Velshi (All Levels)

For our final Fun Friday Session of the 2022-2023 school year, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi returns, joining National Constitution Center…

Constitution Daily Blog

Smart analysis of the latest Supreme Court news and more

We the People

A weekly show of constitutional debate

America’s Town Hall Programs

Constitutional experts discuss the best arguments on all sides

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News & Debate