Constitution Daily Blog
Second Amendment
10 big constitutional moments in 2016
It was a very interesting year.
State Judge: Congress trusts the public to handle assault rifles
Lyle Denniston, Constitution Daily’s Supreme Court correspondent, examines a court decision in Connecticut related to the…
Constitution Check: Might the Supreme Court overrule its own gun rights ruling?
Lyle Denniston, Constitution Daily’s Supreme Court correspondent, examines the future of a 2008 Supreme Court decision…
Does conviction of a serious crime always mean the loss of gun rights?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s Supreme Court correspondent, looks at a potentially significant federal court…
California gun case could be headed to Supreme Court
Giving no explanation, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit refused on Monday to assemble all 28 of its active judges…
Constitution Check: Might the Second Amendment be redefined?
Lyle Denniston, Constitution Daily's Supreme Court correspondent, looks at reasons why it seems to be a constitutional reality…
Interactive Constitution: A common interpretation of the Second Amendment
The National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution project presents leading experts exploring the Constitution’s…
Court upholds federal domestic violence gun restriction statute
In a majority 6-2 decision on Monday, the Supreme Court upheld a federal law that restricts gun ownership for a person convicted…
Constitution Check: Where do gun rights stand now?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center's constitutional literacy adviser, looks at how the Supreme Court is letting the…
Supreme Court denies two assault-weapons ban appeals
On Monday, the United States Supreme Court refused two appeals from Connecticut and New York that asked for assault-weapons ban…