Constitution Daily Blog
Fourth Amendment
Battle for the Constitution: Week of June 22nd, 2020 Roundup
Here is a round-up of the latest from the Battle for the Constitution: a special project on the constitutional debates in American…

The Supreme Court’s role in the police accountability controversy
The U.S. Supreme Court interprets the law, we are told. But sometimes, the court makes the law. One of those times—more than 50…

Cross-border shooting case returns to the Supreme Court
A case involving the fatal shooting of a Mexican national by a United States Border Patrol Agent is back at the Supreme Court a…

Recalling the Supreme Court’s historic statement on contraception and privacy
It was on this day in 1965 that the Supreme Court ruled in a landmark case about contraception use by married couples that laid…

Looking back at the Church Committee
On January 27, 1975, Senator Frank Church led a new Senate committee formed to investigate allegations of U.S. government spying…

Katz v. United States: The Fourth Amendment adapts to new technology
On December 18, 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in Katz v. United States, expanding the Fourth Amendment protection against…

Pinky the Dog gets her day at Iowa’s Supreme Court
A dispute about a dog that bit a cat is now at Iowa’s Supreme Court and it addresses an important question about how…

Looking ahead: Cases for the Supreme Court’s next term
Coming up in October, the Supreme Court starts a new term and hears new cases. Here’s a quick look at three cases the Justices…

Another border shooting case could be heading to Supreme Court
A Ninth Circuit appeals court ruling may bring a question back to the Supreme Court about the ability to sue border agents at the…

Supreme Court Justices broaden cellphone privacy
Voicing computer-age worry about Americans’ privacy when they use their telephones, a sharply split Supreme Court ruled on…