Constitution Daily Blog
Climate change trial now faces long delay
Seeming to suggest that higher courts have left no other choice, a federal trial judge in Eugene, Ore., ordered a months-long…

Trump team makes final plea to end climate case
Escalating its rhetoric in a final plea to the Supreme Court to shut down an imminent trial on the federal government’s role in…

Climate change case blocked — for now
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., on Friday evening ordered at least a temporary halt in a children’s lawsuit seeking to hold…

Trump team wants kids’ climate case shut down now
The Trump Administration, out of patience with lower courts’ handling of a sweeping, three-year-old lawsuit demanding that the…

Trump climate appeal at Supreme Court today
Lawyers for the Trump Administration plan to ask the Supreme Court on Wednesday to halt a trial set to begin in two weeks of a…

Judge clears way for trial of kids’ climate change case
A federal trial judge in Oregon said on Monday that a group of teenagers is entitled to a court test of their claim about a…

Climate change in the courts: Big Oil and Big Tobacco
State officials say fossil fuel companies are defrauding the public. But in their zeal to win, are they violating constitutional…
Constitution Check: How goes the kids’ constitutional crusade against climate change?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at the public trust doctrine, an…
Earth Day, politics and the law
Friday, April 22nd marks not only the 46th Earth Day, but also is when the United States and China will be formally signing the…
Constitution Check: Does the “Clean Power Plan” violate the Tenth Amendment?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a debate over states’ rights and…