Constitution Daily Blog

Article III

Battle for the Constitution: Week of Feb. 3, 2020 Roundup

by NCC Staff

Below is a round-up of the latest from the “Battle for the Constitution:” a special project on the constitutional debates in…

Battle for the Constitution: Week of Feb. 3, 2020 Roundup
Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt

by Lyle Denniston

The long-running dispute over the constitutionality of the massive federal health insurance law – the Affordable Care Act, or…

Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt
Supreme Court to rule on privacy of Trump’s finances

by Lyle Denniston

Setting itself a constitutional task that could have a huge impact on presidential politics in 2020, the Supreme Court on Friday…

Supreme Court to rule on privacy of Trump’s finances
Two rulings, mixed results, on Trump vs. Congress

by Lyle Denniston

Two new court decisions – both historic, but both leaving a good deal of uncertainty – emerged Monday in constitutional…

Two rulings, mixed results, on Trump vs. Congress
Justice Kennedy awarded 2019 Liberty Medal

by NCC Staff

On October 27, 2019, the National Constitution Center awarded its 31st annual Liberty Medal to the Honorable Anthony M. Kennedy,…

Justice Kennedy awarded 2019 Liberty Medal
Hugo Black, unabashed partisan for the Constitution

by Nicandro Iannacci

On August 12, 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt nominated then-Senator Hugo Black of Alabama to the Supreme Court.

Hugo Black, unabashed partisan for the Constitution
Packing the Supreme Court explained

by Scott Bomboy

Senator Marco Rubio plans to propose a new constitutional amendment to permanently limit the Supreme Court to nine Justices. While…

Packing the Supreme Court explained
Marbury v. Madison: The Supreme Court claims its power

by Nicandro Iannacci

In an act of “judicial jujitsu,” the Supreme Court issued its decision in Marbury v. Madison on February 24, 1803,…

Marbury v. Madison: The Supreme Court claims its power
The debate over emergency powers and the border wall

by Scott Bomboy

President Donald Trump’s statement that he is considering using emergency presidential powers to build a border wall has…

The debate over emergency powers and the border wall
Breaking down the birthright citizenship debate

by Scott Bomboy

President Donald Trump’s push to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants will be getting a good…

Breaking down the birthright citizenship debate
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