Constitution Daily Blog

Article II

The Constitution in primetime: 'Designated Survivor' and presidential succession

by Chris Calabrese

ABC’s new drama highlights a person who is almost never discussed, and a constitutional issue that often flies under the radar.

Edward Snowden, the Constitution and presidential pardons

by NCC Staff

Former government contractor Edward Snowden is lobbying President Barack Obama for a pardon. So under the Constitution, how does…

The constitutional debates over the military prison at Guantánamo Bay

by Lana Ulrich

Gitmo remains a constitutional and political enigma, and its end is not quite yet in sight.

Explaining how the Electoral College works

by Scott Bomboy

This past week, a potential member of the Electoral College threatened to not vote for the GOP nominee this fall for President.…

Constitution Check: Has the U.S. war against ISIS in Syria been illegal from the start?

by Lyle Denniston

Constitution Daily Supreme Court correspondent Lyle Denniston looks at a lawsuit from an Army officer that contests the legality…

Does the separation of powers need a rewrite?

by Nicandro Iannacci

One prominent legal scholar offers a “friendly amendment” to Justice Robert Jackson’s famous concurrence in Youngstown Sheet…

Why does a presidential candidate need to be 35 years old anyway?

by Scott Bomboy

The popular rum-maker Captain Morgan is proposing to eliminate any age requirements for citizens to serve as President of the…

Constitution Check: Does spending on war amount to declaration of war?

by Lyle Denniston

Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a lawsuit challenging the…

Vice President Profile: John C. Calhoun

by Olivia Fitzpatrick

As part of a continuing series this summer, Constitution Daily looks at Vice Presidential selections that had an impact on the…

The assassination that sparked World War I and the treaty that ended it

by Olivia Fitzpatrick

On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated, sparking World War I. Five years later, the Treaty of…

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Constitution Daily Blog