Constitution Daily Blog

Article I

Looking back at the Church Committee

by NCC Staff

On January 27, 1975, Senator Frank Church led a new Senate committee formed to investigate allegations of U.S. government spying…

Looking back at the Church Committee
The debate over emergency powers and the border wall

by Scott Bomboy

President Donald Trump’s statement that he is considering using emergency presidential powers to build a border wall has…

The debate over emergency powers and the border wall
When Congress last used its powers to declare war

by NCC Staff

Today marks an important anniversary in American history: the congressional declaration of war on Japan on December 8, 1941. But…

When Congress last used its powers to declare war
Space Force could hit a constitutional roadblock: The House

by Scott Bomboy

According to a report from Politico, President Donald Trump intends to ask Congress to establish the Space Force as an independent…

Space Force could hit a constitutional roadblock: The House
What constitutional powers do the Democrats get by winning the House?

by Scott Bomboy

The Democratic Party will have a majority in the House of Representatives for the first time since early 2011. How will that…

What constitutional powers do the Democrats get by winning the House?
Breaking down the birthright citizenship debate

by Scott Bomboy

President Donald Trump’s push to end birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants will be getting a good…

Breaking down the birthright citizenship debate
On this day, FDR approves funding the Manhattan Project

by NCC Staff

On this day in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders Dr. Vannevar Bush to move forward with a top-secret project that led…

On this day, FDR approves funding the Manhattan Project
Excerpt: America Is Living James Madison’s Nightmare

by Jeffrey Rosen

In this excerpt from The Atlantic’s October 2018 print edition, National Constitution Center president and CEO Jeffrey Rosen…

Excerpt: America Is Living James Madison’s Nightmare
10 fascinating facts about the National Park Service

by NCC Staff

Today marks the anniversary of the 1916 Organic Act that created the National Park Service. So how much has the Park Service grown…

10 fascinating facts about the National Park Service
The Space Force and the Constitution

by Scott Bomboy

The Trump administration’s proposal to create a sixth military service branch to focus on space warfare is raising an…

The Space Force and the Constitution
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Constitution Daily Blog