Constitution Daily Blog
10th Amendment
This week in Supreme Court history: New limits on the spending power
On June 23, 1987, the Supreme Court upheld the ability of the federal government to impose conditions on money received by the…

New Jersey bets on 10th Amendment in Supreme Court case
New Jersey’s long struggle to legalize single-game sports betting within the state will likely end, one way or another, with a…

Did Trump administration concede a key sanctuary city point?
The Justice Department wants a federal judge to drop or amend an injunction against President Trump’s sanctuary city executive…

Sanctuary city moves could force issue closer to court dates
The Justice Department’s announcement of funding sanctions against cities and counties that don’t honor some immigration…

Could Trump administration shut down legal marijuana sales?
Remarks from a Trump spokesman that the new administration might want legal recreational marijuana sales to end in several states…
Could California really become its own country?
There is now a movement afoot by a group seeking a ballot referendum in California for that state to become its own sovereign…
Could Texas secede from the United States, if it wanted to?
The upcoming Republican state convention in Texas may consider the topic of the state's secession from the United States. Here's a…
Constitution Check: Does the “Clean Power Plan” violate the Tenth Amendment?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at a debate over states’ rights and…
10 important Supreme Court cases about education
Education is a hallmark of civic life in America, so it’s no surprise that it’s been at the center of many landmark…
Constitution Check: Did the Supreme Court take away states’ power over marriage?
Lyle Denniston, the National Constitution Center’s constitutional literacy adviser, looks at remarks made by a Tennessee judge…