19th Amendment

Women’s Right to Vote

Universal suffrage proposals first emerged during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877). Suffragists later modeled their proposal after the 15th Amendment (1870) and settled on language to end sex discrimination in voting. First proposed in 1878, the “Susan B. Anthony Amendment” was introduced in each Congress—unchanged—for the next four decades. Congress finally approved it on June 4, 1919. The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920.

Special thanks to Reva Siegel of Yale Law School for sharing her advice and research in “She the People: The Nineteenth Amendment, Sex Equality, Federalism, and the Family” and to Laura Free from Hobart and William Smith Colleges for reviewing this content.

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Select an event or draft below:

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Jun 1840


Event — June 12, 1840

World Anti-Slavery Convention »
Jul 1848


Event — July 19, 1848

Seneca Falls Convention »
Apr 1861


Event — April 12, 1861

Civil War begins »
Apr 1865


Event — April 9, 1865

Civil War ends »
Dec 1865


Event — December 6, 1865

13th Amendment is ratified »
Jul 1868


Event — July 9, 1868

14th Amendment is ratified »
Feb 1870


Event — February 3, 1870

15th Amendment is ratified »
Feb 1890


Event — February 18, 1890

Two mainstream suffrage groups merge »
Jan 1911


Event — January 1, 1911

National anti-suffrage group forms »
Jan 1917


Event — January 10, 1917

Suffragists picket the White House »
Apr 1917


Event — April 6, 1917

Congress declares war on Germany »
Nov 1917


Event — November 6, 1917

New York grants women suffrage »
Jan 1918


Event — January 10, 1918

House passes the amendment »
Jun 1919


Draft — June 4, 1919

19th Amendment Final Text »
Aug 1920


Event — August 18, 1920

19th Amendment is ratified »


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