In Person

Pomp & Parade Decorating Days

Saturday, June 29 - Monday, July 1
All Day
Free, Registration Required

A vibrant display of patriotic celebration, the Red, White, & Blue To-Do brings together museums, historic sites, and local businesses in America’s most historic square mile to honor our nation’s founding. This monumental occasion promises to be a memorable experience for all, featuring the Red, White, & Blue To-Do Pomp & Parade, festooned decor, concerts, games, extended visitation hours at area historic attractions, restaurant specials, and much more.

To prepare for the upcoming Red, White, & Blue To-Do, Philadelphia’s Historic District will host Decorating Days, where community members are welcome to join us to help create the official wagon floats for the Red, White, & Blue To-Do Pomp & Parade!

Wagon decorating will take place at the National Constitution Center from June 29 to July 1. The activity is free, but space is limited, so advance registration is strongly encouraged.

Register Now

Celebrate with us all week long! The National Constitution Center is hosting a wide variety of special events and educational programs from June 27 through July 4 in celebration of the Independence Day Holiday. Check out our full schedule of events here and learn more about the Red, White, & Blue To-Do here.

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