Constitution Daily Blog

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Smart conversation from the National Constitution Center.

10 fascinating facts about the “I Have A Dream” speech

It was on this day in 1963 that Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech as part of the March on Washington. So how much do you know about the speech and the events that led up to it?

Supreme Court to consider gender affirming care laws for minors

One of the highest profile cases in the Supreme Court’s upcoming term could set a precedent over the ability of several states to define laws that provide or…

A brief history of presidential candidate debates

Debates between presidential candidates have become an important part of the election process every four years, but in historical terms, these events are…

A Constitution “hard, but not that hard” to change

Ten years ago in a public conversation, journalist Marvin Kalb asked the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia what he would do if he could change the U.S.…

Five little-known men who almost became president

What do Benjamin Wade, Willie P. Mangum and John Nance Garner all have in common? If not for a last-second decision, or a twist of fate, they might have become…

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