Need access to the Constitution of the United States on your mobile device or tablet? Our Interactive Constitution app features the annotated text, plus analysis from dozens of top scholars.
The National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution app is now available at the App Store and on Google Play. The app allows students, educators, and citizens everywhere to access the Interactive Constitution’s content anytime, since most of the content is stored on your device after it is downloaded to your device.“This transformative new app will make the Interactive Constitution accessible to all students and citizens on their mobile devices, with or without connectivity,” said Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO of the National Constitution Center. “This is a milestone in our pledge to bring the Interactive Constitution to every citizen in America.”
“The National Constitution Center’s new Interactive Constitution app lets students join the great conversation about liberty, justice, and human dignity no matter where they are, on any device,” said John Williamson, the College Board’s vice president of Advanced Placement. “The app is exciting because it’s an incredibly useful and enriching tool for not only AP students, but for all students and teachers across the country.”
Since the Interactive Constitution’s launch last September, the online educational resource has garnered over six million unique page views and has been called an “Internet sensation” by USA Today especially among young people.
The app version of the Interactive Constitution features full analysis of the first 15 Amendments to the Constitution and the Articles, or Structural Constitution, from scholars representing different viewpoints. For each Amendment or Article, the scholars first agree on a Common Interpretation, and then they discuss Matters of Debate on each point.
To learn more and download the app, go to the following links in the App Store or Google Play: