Constitution Daily Blog

Necessary and Proper Clause

Hamilton’s Treasury Department and a great Constitutional debate

by Scott Bomboy

On this day in 1789, George Washington signed into law the act that created the Treasury Department. The move became crucial to…

Hamilton’s Treasury Department and a great Constitutional debate
Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt

by Lyle Denniston

The long-running dispute over the constitutionality of the massive federal health insurance law – the Affordable Care Act, or…

Appeals court puts Obamacare’s fate deeper in doubt
The Space Force and the Constitution

by Scott Bomboy

The Trump administration’s proposal to create a sixth military service branch to focus on space warfare is raising an…

The Space Force and the Constitution
McCulloch v. Maryland: Expanding the power of Congress

by Jonathan Stahl

On March 6, 1819, the Supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland, holding that Congress has the power to establish a national…

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Constitution Daily Blog